Teaching and learning in distance education: the use of games as a didactic-pedagogical proposal in the teaching of the administration - a report of experience

Jhony Pereira Moraes


This study aims to report a didactic-pedagogical experience in a technical education class in a private school in the city of Canoas, metropolitan region of Porto Alegre / RS, in a class of 54 students of the technical courses of Administration and Logistics in the semi-presence modality (distance courses with a face-to-face meeting per week). The discipline in which the activity occurred is called General Management Theory, in which students should plan and implement games produced from the theories of the Administration learned in the discipline. As a result, it was observed that the proposal was successful, since, besides posing a challenge for the group, it aroused creativity and responsibility, but also instigated even more the understanding of the theories, since the games were also guided by the own students, who had to know how to articulate the theory under their responsibility to colleagues. Going beyond, the different configurations of language and organization used qualified and reaffirmed the importance of the knowledge of the discipline, reducing the pre-activity resistance and converging to the perception of a didactic-pedagogical practice of valuing the student, his knowledge and his contributions for the optimization of face-to-face meetings.


Distance education; Games; Teaching; Administration


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2447-3944.2018.v4i3.2629


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