Case study on the use of Bloom’s taxonomy applied to virtual tools in higher education

Renata Miliani Martinez, Edgard Robles Tardelli


The new generations who begin their studies in higher education make it necessary to update the teaching-learning methodologies. There are still differences between the expectations of teachers and students, which is often motivated by not clarifying the objectives of each discipline. In addition to the lack of clarity in the objectives, the evaluation and performance monitoring resources are little explored by face-to-face courses, despite the tools available for distance learning courses. In order to maximize students’ autonomy in their teaching-learning process, this paper proposed the development and implementation of the objectives of the Bioengineering course for Chemical Engineering through the Bloom’s taxonomy, as well as the availability of materials and virtual questionnaires for the students. The students were receptive with the use of the virtual tools and objectives, bringing positive results to this teaching methodology. New work with larger student groups can bring statistically relevant performance results.


Bloom’s taxonomy; Teaching; Learning; Andragogy


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