The construction of the academic profile: report of teaching experience in licentiate in letters

Antonio Naéliton do Nascimento, Denise Lino de Araújo, Maria Célia do Nascimento


The process of enrolling graduates in a higher education course has several nuances that need to be taken into account. Among these, we highlight the candidate’s own conviction about the choice made by the course and profession for his life, as well as the reading and writing skills indispensable to academic insertion. Considering the training of Portuguese and Literature teachers, the courses offered to students in the course of Letters of the Federal University of Campina Grande aim to form them in several aspects - didactic, psychological, philosophical, literary and linguistic, among many others of inserting them into academic life, demonstrating the viability of the teaching profession. Thus, we have as objective in this text to report an experience of teaching experienced in the degree, in the discipline Fundamentos da Prática Educativa, offered in the first period of the course of Letters, in which we developed a work that aimed both to motivate the students for teaching and to insert them, in the academic life. As theoretical subsidies to base experience, we rely on the contributions of authors such as Freire (1996), Sacristán (2005), Corrêa (2012), among others. As a methodology, we chose reflective activities and tasks that led students to apply the concepts studied in source texts to practical situations and return to the analysis of those same concepts based on the observed and experienced in real situations. Through the activities, the students evolved from a profile of concept reproduction to a profile of reflective specialists, still in formation, demonstrated in the construction of an Illustrated Glossary on Teacher Training, which was the final activity of the discipline.


Teacher training; Academic profile; Licentiate in Letters


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