Social representations about teacher-student relationship in higher education

Esther Cosso, Maria Laura Puglisi Barbosa Franco, Janaína da Silva Gonçalves Fernandes


The objective of this research was to identify how the social representations of teachers and students of the Higher Education on the student teacher relationship are organized. It was attended by 49 professors and 106 students of the Business Administration course in Private Higher Education Institution, located in Greater São Paulo. The Word Free Evocation Test was used to collect the data. The analysis was performed through Prototypic Analysis with the support of IRAMUTEQ software. The results pointed out the respect element in the central core of the representation and in the peripheries the elements to learn (teachers) and friendship (students). It was concluded that the construction of knowledge occurs from an interpersonal relationship between teacher-student, in which the teacher presents himself as the central figure in the mediation of the contents that will be approached, discussed and apprehended by all the members of this interactional process.


Student; Education; Teacher; Theory of social representations


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