Legal protection of labor rights in the context of sustainable development

Pylyp Pylypenko, Vitaliy Kovalenko, Olena Rym, Svitlana Synchuk, Volodymyr Burak, Oksana Hirnyk


The article is devoted to the study of individual labor relations in the context of sustainable development, and to the definition of changes in labor legislation that occurred in connection with the introduction of martial law. The main trends in the development of modern labor law in Ukraine include: the establishment of certain restrictions in the organization of labor relations with the observance of minimum labor guarantees for employees; strengthening the flexibility of legal regulation of labor relations, employee mobility when exercising the right to work; expansion of the contractual basis for the regulation of labor relations. It is noted that in the conditions of martial law, when the freedom of labor is limited in favor of state needs and interests, the main task is to develop an effective mechanism for ensuring the labor rights and interests of employees and employers. In particular, provisions of legislation regulating the organization of remote, home or other atypical forms of work have a powerful regulatory potential. In addition, in order to guarantee the labor rights of medical workers, it is considered appropriate to standardize the relevant provisions in a separate legal act.

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