Legal guarantees of the realization of the labor rights of the employee in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine
The study is devoted to topical issues of legal guarantees for the implementation of the labor rights of the employee in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The importance of proper legislative consolidation of the catalog of mutual labor rights and obligations of the employee and the employer, ways and means of their implementation and protection in accordance with international and European standards was emphasized. It is noted that the legal regime of martial law drastically affected the labor sphere, and the introduction of changes to the labor legislation contributed to the partial elimination of gaps in labor law regarding the grounds for terminating an employment contract. It was concluded that the legislative changes do not completely solve the problem of terminating the employment contract. It is the clear legal regulation of the specifics of terminating an employment contract, international standards and precedent practice on these issues that can ensure the quality existence of labor relations in the conditions of a special legal regime.
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