The discovery of administrative improbities through anonymous delays and the new lia: contributions from investigation in the criminal scope

Fábio Guaragni, Edna de Cássia Santos


Criminal law and the respective procedure are zones of traditional exercise of state punitive power. To this end and based on the jurisprudential treatment of the matter in Rare Instances (STJ and STF), this article will focus efforts on the universe of criminal investigation, on the one hand, to compare it, and on the other, with the investigative environment of acts of administrative dishonesty. The research is justified by the set of affinities that unite both sectors. Based on jurisprudence, it seeks to extract from superior positions the way in which they circumvent the risk of chancellor, from the authorization to open the investigation, the intention of the anonymous whistleblower to cause harm to the investigated.


Administrative dishonesty; Anonymous whistleblowers; Criminal investigation


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