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Mikhail Semyakin
Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg.
Russia, Federação da
Leading Researcher, Department of Scientific Research and International Cooperation, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Civil Law Department, Ural State Law University
Vladimir Bublik
Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg.
Russia, Federação da
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Department of Business Law, Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg
Mikhail Semyakin
Altai State University. Barnaul, Altai Krai, Rússia
Law Applicant, Altai State University
Anna Gubareva
Ural State Law University. Yekaterinburg.
Russia, Federação da
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor, Department of Business Law, Ural State Law University, Yekaterinburg