Impact of photographic atlas of anatomy on the performance and autonomy of the medical student

João Pedro Vaz de Lima, Renann Cabanêz de Castro Souza, Giovanna Zambon Diniz, Jorge Reis Cupertino Filho, Vivian de Oliveira Sousa Corrêa


The guidelines in medical education value the dynamics in teaching-learning practices, based on the active search for knowledge by the student. In basic education, the student generally does not occupy this posture, so developing ways for them to have more autonomy at the university is essential. Human Anatomy, one of the introductory disciplines in medical school, can provide experiences where the student is a protagonist in the construction of knowledge. We aim to evaluate, with applications of the university’s authorial atlas, the performance and development of students’ active posture. Its making involved photography, editing and image review of anatomical pieces. Tests were carried out with medical students: the first one, without access to the atlas; and a second, with equivalent questions in difficulty and in the same location, carried out after a study with the reference (control) and project atlases. The impact of this material was assessed by scoring these tests and by a subjective analysis in the perception questionnaire. With the participation of 27 students, it was observed an evolution rate of 33% for questions related to the control atlas and 106% for those related to the authorial atlas (p <0.0001). In the questionnaire, they rated the help of the authorial atlas in finding the structures as 4.7 on the Likert Scale and 4.51 regarding the use of this atlas in facilitating self-guided study. The work showed that students improve performance during studies using the atlas, revealing the importance of this tool as a collaborator for a better learning experience and pointing out the need to explore teaching methodologies that provide student autonomy.


Anatomia; Aprendizagem; Atlas; Educação Médica; Ensino


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