Barriers to the internationalization of higher education professors

Anna Clara Silva Rodrigues, André Luiz Mendes Athayde


This article aimed to explore the opinions of higher-education professors regarding the barriers to the internationalization of their academic activities. Two groups of professors were formed - much and little internationalized - who were interviewed using a semi-structured script. The Content Analysis technique was adopted for data analysis and the two groups were compared through a theoretical-empirical dialogue. The obstacles to internationalization highlighted by the professors ranged from institutional-level difficulties, such as the excessive internal bureaucracy of the institution, the lack of financial subsidies, and the non-uniform promotion internationalization among the various campuses and academic units of the university, as well as individual-level difficulties, such as the professors’ lack of interest in internationalizing, prioritization of other activities, the lack of proficiency in a foreign language, and family issues. Furthermore, suggestions were raised for internationalization to be promoted in higher education institutions, according to the perspectives of professors. Even though the results of this study cannot be generalized to all higher education institutions in Brazil, it is hoped that the present research has deepened the reflection about the internationalization of professors at the individual level of analysis.


Higher Education Institutions; Professors; Internationalization


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