Exploring the slide rule as a didactic resource in multiplication teaching for training of mathematics teachers

Andressa Gomes dos Santos, Verusca Batista Alves, Ana Carolina Costa Pereira


The history of mathematics has provided didactic resources that allied to a teaching methodology allow the construction of mathematical knowledge linked to a cultural and social practice. Among the objects that make it possible to incorporate knowledge into history, we find the Slide Rule, which throughout history has played an important role in the dissemination of logarithms. Thus, this article aims to present the conception of undergraduate students in mathematics at the State University of Ceará (UECE) about the possible potentialities of the Slide Rule for the teaching of multiplication. The research-action was conducted with a group of 12 participants from a university extension course ministering in March 2019, with a total workload of 12h/a. Based on data collection through audio recording, video and activity gathering, we realize that the use of a historical instrument, especially the Slide Rule, is an innovative way to build and appropriate mathematical knowledge. However, the “how to do” is still the main obstacle in developing new actions involving the history of mathematics. From the experience of the course, it expected that these teachers in initial/continued education could expand their actions, through this feature, the Slide Rule, provided by the history of mathematics.


Teacher training; Mathematics history; Slide rule


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2447-3944.2018.v4i4.3480


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