Ecoinovation as an ethical and sustainable tool in the gems and jewelry sector - a study in Nova Lima - Minas Gerais

Paulo Armando Ferrara de Carvalho Barbosa, Rita de Castro Engler, Johelma Pires de Avelar, Edson José Carpintero Rezende


This article discusses the use of innovation as a fundamental strategic tool in the construction of more ethical and sustainable production processes, better known as eco-innovation, in the gems and jewels sector. It represents a theoretical reflection on the importance of innovative actions within and outside the organizational structure to promote not only sustainable growth but also a more democratic distribution of wealth throughout the gem and jewelery production chain. Based on a literature review and built on a preliminary mapping of the value chain, a clipping from the perspective of jewelry design on eco-innovations is presented, based on the best production practices and the commercialization of this sector.


jewelry design; eco-innovation; value chain; fair trade; sustentability


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