The state of the art of gamification practices in the process of teaching and learning in Higher Education

Alexandre de Souza Vieira, Alexandre Peixoto Saibert, Manoel Joaquim Ramos Neto, Thailson Mota da Costa, Nataliana de Souza Paiva


This article presents the results of a bibliographical research which the objective was to synthetize the practices of gamefication employed in the process of teaching and learning in higher education. Therefore, the study was divided in three parts: (1) understand the meaning of gamefication and its implications in education; (2) investigate gamefication practices in higher education; (3) analyze the practices of gamefication in higher education. The methodology procedures focused on literature review and state of art of the researches found with a longitudinal cut since 2010 at capes and google scholar websites. The general results of the application of gamefication in college education are positive as to the increase of motivation and engagement of the students in the activities that were developed. However, there are limitations on the implementation of gamified elements. Thus, students and teachers should be cautious, in order to avoid unrealistic expectations regarding the results of the gamified process in teaching and learning.


Gamification; College education; State of art


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