Calculation laboratory: game based learning in exact discipline

André Felipe de Almeida Xavier, Paloma de Oliveira Campos Xavier


The Calculation Laboratory appeared with the need to give meaning to the learning of students entering the courses of Engineering, in the discipline of Differential Calculus, in the semester 1/2016. After obtaining good results, the activity was also extended to the classes of Analytical Geometry and Linear Algebra (GAAL) and Integral Calculus, so that these incoming students could continue the process. Historically, students present some difficulty in these contents, and it is necessary to give meaning to their learning. Given the table presented, the Calculation Laboratory aims to give meaning to the contents worked, giving students autonomy, having the teacher as the tutor, as intermediary between the student and the knowledge, creating various practical, playful and innovative activities to assist in this process. Through this article, it is intended to report a little about the activities created to facilitate this process of execution of the Calculation Laboratory, in addition to demonstrating the results obtained and measured after its application. Through these proposed activities, it is noticed that the student is gradually gaining autonomy in the search for knowledge.


Calculus; Mathematical games; Learning; Innovation



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