Alphabetization and literacy: some conceptions of professors in continuous training

Carmen Regina Gonçalves Ferreira


This article intends to reflect upon the records produced by Study Mentor professors in a process of continuous training associated to the National Pact for Alphabetization at the Right Age (PNAIC), collected in two phases: one during the first training, in 2013 and the other two months later, with the purpose of checking the opinion of the professionals on the themes of alphabetization and literacy. The mobilization for writing occurred based on the proposition of the question “What do you understand by alphabetization and literacy?” As partial results, some important aspects were identified to be considered in the development of processes of training. In the first collection phase, the definitions were vague and, in a second moment, in (re)writing activity, more precise definitions were followed by examples of applicability in real use situations in the social context and a bigger detachment of the conceptions that associated the concept of alphabetization to the traditional teaching methods. However, such definitions still appear dissociated from perspectives which articulate the acquisition of the writing system, through a direct and systematic teaching, with the development of skills and behaviors of competent use of the language in social practices of reading and writing.


Alphabetization; Literacy; Continuous training


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