Analysis of pesticide registration the brazilian environmental law

Larissa Milkiewicz, José Edmilson de Souza Lima


This paper discourses about the dimension of pesticides register in the Brazilian law, from the constitutional provision of the right to a health and ecologically equilibrated environment and to a healthy life. Thus, the objective of this research is to assess the possible gaps in the current law. Thus, it has been studied the historical context in which the pesticides were inserted in the world; the provisions about it in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and its relation to the Precaution Principle. Is has been concluded that the law that approaches the pesticides is ineffective. Beyond that fact, it was found that there is no public policy that aims to aware the farmers about the negative effects of the pesticides. Finally, is was investigated that legal provision of a pesticides information system, which was not installed until now.


Pesticides; Register; Regulatory Gap; Precaution Principle; Environment


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