Justice of judicial procedure: conceptual basis and national characteristics

Nataliya Shelever, Oleksandr Rogach, Olha Antalovtsi, Diana Voron, Victoria Pylyp


The study is a scientific analysis of the criteria for the effectiveness of justice, the features of the implementation of the constitutional right to a fair trial, the determination of its legal nature and normative consolidation at the international and national levels, the study of the positive experience of applying the precedent practice of the European Court of Human Rights in order to solve the main problems of fair justice in Ukraine . It was emphasized that the process of administering fair justice combines legal and social foundations, and also requires proper economic and organizational technical support. It was concluded that elements of the right to a fair trial, such as territorial jurisdiction of cases, compliance with reasonable investigation deadlines, remote court proceedings in the conditions of martial law introduced in Ukraine, require an immediate and at the same time comprehensive approach in order to create the necessary and at the same time comfortable conditions for the effective resolution of the dispute, ensuring continuous functioning of the judicial system.


judiciary; right to a fair trial; access to justice; electronic court; European Court of Human Rights

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-0604.2024.v20i1.4987


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