The impacts of the sudden implantation of online Learning amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Rafael Izidoro Martins Neto, Aline Chaves Leite, Ingrid Rezende Silva Palacios, Humberto Elias Giannecchini Fernandes Rocha Souto


This article aimed to analyze the impacts caused by the implementation of distance learning (ODL) in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, through the perception of students from the Center-West of Minas Gerais, comparing the different levels of education (high school, college and post-graduate) and the view of students on the actions and measures taken by both their respective academic institutions and the Brazilian government. The research also seeks to verify the opinions of students regarding the impact caused by ODL on low-income students and the expectation about when and how in-person teaching and high school selection processes will be re-established. The theoretical background involved topics such as education and technology. The methodological process adopted consisted of qualitative research. The data collection occurred through the application of a structured questionnaire, through a digital platform, to the research subjects. Subsequently, the treatment, classification and organization of the data was done. The partial results showed that most of the respondents were not contemplated with the implementation of non-presential education. It was also found that a very small portion of respondents considered that the measures adopted by the federal government were sufficient to prevent students from being harmed in this scenario. It was confirmed that, for low-income students, the challenges of this moment will be even more difficult to overcome. It was concluded that Brazil is not prepared to offer the conditions and support necessary for the sudden implementation of distance learning.


EAD; Teaching; Technology


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