Objetivos Educacionais da Graduação em Contabilidade sob uma Perspectiva da Taxonomia de Bloom por análise de Mapas Cognitivos

Simone Boruck Klein, Pamila Balsan Colla, Sidnei Celerino da Silva, Silvana Anita Walter


This research aims to evaluate the distribution of educational objectives presented on the political pedagogical project (PPP) of the accounting course in a public University, located in the state of Paraná, Brazil, through Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. Therefore, a case study was accomplished, using interviews with professors and the institution’s PPP. The classification of educational objectives applied in the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy provided the following results: concentration of objectives at the “Procedural” level of the Knowledge Dimension, and with the help of the Cognitive Map, it was possible to conclude that, even though teachers do not know Bloom’s Taxonomy in depth, they can reach different categories and levels in the Cognitive Process Dimension and in the Knowledge Dimension. This research development is a literature contribution, given the application of taxonomy in which is considered a very technical context of education. As for the academic environment, it highlights the process of classifying educational objectives in the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy by demonstrating the importance of understanding this taxonomy for the academics development, because when institutions and their professors manage to advance in different categories and levels of the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, there is an advance in development of human cognition.


Accounting teaching; Political Pedagogical Project; Educational objectives; Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2447-3944.2022.v6i4.4160


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