Brazilian and Japanese Perspective of Environmental Damage

Grace Ladeira Garbaccio, Jeferson Dytz Marin, Tadashi Otsuka


The constitutionalization of the environment without normative density that allows us to know exactly what is the object of protection requires a more detailed study in order to verify the portion of reality that is protected by the constitutional norm. Added to this, there is the fact that the Brazilian  Constitution adds to the still undetermined concept of the environment the quality of the ecological balance, which makes an interdisciplinary approach necessary. The notions of environment and environmental good, although relevant, are insufficient to determine the scope of protection of that fundamental right. For this, it is appropriate to use the concept of environmental damage, associated with a technical analysis, for the correct application of the Brazilian and Japanese Major Law and adequate Brazilian and Japanese protection of the environment. Thus, the research is inserted in the logical deductive method, using the bibliographic reference search procedure and the qualitative approach.


Palabras clave

Environmental damage; Environmental good; Tolerability Limits; Ecological balance; Brazil and Japan

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