Psychology as a Tool for the Democratization of Education: An Experience Report

Augusto Calixto, Aline Beckmann Menezes, Paulo Goulart


School/Educational Psychology is able to contribute in a meaningful way with the approximation between the research developed in universitary context and applied educational environments. A contextualized and historical perspective about education is relevant for insertion and completion of eficient practices in school environments. Thus, the present work has the general objective of reporting the experience of development of the extension project entitled “School Psychology as Tool to Democratization of Education” in a public school belonging in the metropolitan region of Belém. The processes of insertion in the school are described, just as the instruments utilized. With the faculty were developed lectures and group discussions focused on teachers’ continuing education. With the student body were developed activities such as visiting of university campus, individualized interviews and creation of the student’s guild. Strategical meetings for articulation between the school and the health support network available were realized with the school administration. It was possible to observe demands related to teachers’ mental health, teacher-student relationship and illness between the students related to the lack of a support network and a more sistematic approach for future actions. This report aims to contribute to the development of democratic practices of insertion of Psychology in the school.


Education; Educational Psychology; Democracy


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Copyright (c) 2019 Augusto Calixto, Aline Beckmann Menezes, Paulo Goulart

ISSN 2175-5027

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