A bolha informacional e os riscos dos mecanismos de busca na personalização do usuário de internet: reflexões sobre o direito à autodeterminação informacional

Cinthia Obladen de Almendra Freitas, Heline Sivini Ferreira, Ricardo Cavedon


This paper aims to reflect on the fundamental right to self-determination concerning personal information used in the user personalization process on the Internet. In this context, search engines have now become so relevant in the contemporary social context that it is being described as the formation of a new era, essentially characterized by Information and Communication Technology. In this scenario, the search mechanisms establish structures enabling assessment of the Internet and each of its users, on the one hand, and of each user and his or her personal information bubble, on the other. As result of the research project, the article follows the deductive approach and the monographic procedure methodologies, seeking to identify possible threats to the scope of protection of the Internet user in the constant quest for personalization of the information desired, and the role of self-determination over personal information in upkeeping principles and rights essential to the democratic rule of law.


New Technologies; Search Mechanisms; Filter Bubble; Risks; Right to Informational Self-Determination


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-0604.2020.v16i3.4305


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