Information Society, Cyberlaw and the kantian concept of autonomy in brazilian constitutional dogmatics

Robison Tramontina, Marco Aurélio Rodrigues da Cunha e Cruz


This article approaches, from the information society scenario, the concept of autonomy of the will, of Kantian matrix, and the cyberlaw of Lawrence Lessig. It defends the need to reread these premises to meet the demands of the new legal and social scenario created in cybersociety. This is a descriptive bibliographic research that integrates a broader investigation into the possibility (or not) of making connections between the Kantian concept of autonomy with the premises of Lawrence Lessig’s cyberlaw theory, based on an appropriate dialogue with Brazilian constitutional dogmatics. The theoretical bases used are the following: Immanuel Kant, Manuel Castells, Lawrence Lessig and Ingo Sarlet. The investigation is divided into two parts: the first characterizes the information society and presents the architectural proposal of Lessing’s Cyberlaw, the other, analyzes the concept of autonomy in Kant and highlights the dogmatic readings made in the Brazilian doctrine about this conception.


Sociedade da Informção; cyberlaw; autonomia da vontade.


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