Testing the Methodology Multicriteria Decision Aid – Constructivist (MCDA-C) in the construction of judicial decisions stability support algorithms

Alexandre José Mendes, Alexandre Morais da Rosa, Izaias Otacílio da Rosa


The present article examine UNIVALI’s PPGD and Neoway Informática Ltda’s Methodology Multicriteria Decision Aid – Constructivist or MCDA-C test partial results. Under MDCA-C perspective while logic-algorithmics base apply to judicial decisions, the central hypothesis is that MDCA-C is capable of transcending limitations of methodologic-judicial-algorithm. For than, this article seeks to test the capability of MDCA-C methodology of incorporating a decision maker’s subjectivities, meanwhile keep the coherence and integrity necessary to replicate a judicial decision, in a multidisciplinary approach. Under an inductive procedural method, and also an interventive method of the MDCA-C, the present article combines big data, machine learning and deep learning techniques in order to propose a system calibration done by the magistrate itself. In this context, the application of MDCA-C to judicial decisions pursuit to reach a final product of such precision on wich a distinction of the human or machine decision isn’t possible. Owing to national and international repercussion of this kind of application, also thru the possibility of revolutionizing the whole method and actuation of the Judiciary Power, the relevance of the theme becomes clear.


Methodology Multicriteria Decision Aid – Constructivist; Judiciary Power; Artifi-cial Intelligence; Decision


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2238-0604.2019.v15i2.3650


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