Game theory and leniency agreement in brazilian anti-corruption law

João Pedro Ceren, Rubén Miranda Gonçalves, Valter Moura do Carmo


Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law No. 12.846 of 2013) has brought interesting mechanisms for improving the fight against corruption. Among these instruments, this article addresses the Leniency Agreement, whose main purpose is an exchange between the Public Power and the legal entity that celebrates it; the State will gain information for better investigation, by dismantling groups and people involved in the corrupt act, while the legal person will be awarded a prize for having been required to provide such information. However, by using game theory, is the leniency agreement, according to how it is in the anti-corruption law, interesting from an economic point of view? Are the expected benefits enough for those who celebrate the leniency agreement? And if not, what element could make it more attractive? In order to face such questions, the deductive methods of research will be used by this paper. It is possible to claim that the leniency agreement, according to game theory, may not be so advantageous for those who celebrate it, if its effects are not communicated between the anti-competition and anti-corruption legislation, for a better use of this institute, the important thing would be an exchange between the new law in defense of competition and the anti-corruption law.


Corruption; Game Theory; Leniency Agreement


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