Asymmetric federalism as an instrument of effectiveness of early childhood social law in Brazil

Newton Cesar Pilau, João Martins Bertaso


Asymmetric Federalism as an Instrument of Effectiveness of Early Childhood Social Law in Brazil infers reflections that consolidate the substrata indispensable to a condition worthy of the existence of the child. In the course of analysis of modern-contemporary federative construction, related to US federalism, German and Brazilian project, they draw indicators to guide action in favor of children’s law. No, which refers to Brazil, which will determine what is fundamental to social law, which will determine what is fundamental to social development. The Brazilian internal federation, in its organization, it is observed who is able to recognize the Municipality as federated, with the responsibilities and consolidations of a service of the republic and the federation, with a social role of actor in the function of becoming effective the First Childhood in Brazil. Also, it indicates an activity of the managers, who has by binding action, an implementation of actions that contemplate the effectiveness of children’s law. Assevera Federalism asymmetric, as the pragmatic in the defense of Social Rights, when affirming its public forces, demanding its attention as a priority, priority and privilege in the execution of public policies, demanding an Effectiveness of Early Childhood Social Law in Brazil The method used is the inductive and an advanced research literature source.


Rights of the Child and Adolescent; Asymmetric Federalism; Municipality


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