Provisional Measures and democratic stability: the usage of executive orders to produce governance with a hostile legislative in Brazil

Diogo de Almeida Viana Santos, Guilherme Saldanha Santana


This paper’s objective is to examine how presidential emergency decrees (provisional measures) served as a policy-making instrument to implement successful economic policies in Brazil, thus helping legitimizing the Brazilian democratizing regime. The use of provisional measures in large scale is measured and analyzed. Economic crisis in the 1970s ended the Brazilian military regime. The inability of the democratic regime to solve the crisis in the 1980s put at risk the continuation of the Brazilian democratization. How could the Brazilian democracy enjoy relative stability, in light of fierce economic crisis? This paper argues that the solution came through the use of provisional measures to implement effective economic policy. Still, the presidential legislative activity may have a negative impact in the consolidation of democratic practices and institutions. As the legitimacy of democracy became associated with the president’s success in promoting economic development, the Brazilian population started perceiving Congress as unnecessary for their welfare. Detailed data on the use of provisional measures in Brazil since the beginning of the democratic transition demonstrate that provisional measures’ bypassing the parliament to systematically manage the federal budget and taxation has saved the Brazilian democratization and may in the longer term jeopardize it.


Provisional measures; democratization; legitimacy; legislative activity; Executive branch

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