Crítica legal ethics of alterity: its foundations in the thought of the liberation of Enrique Dussel

Lucas Machado Fagundes, Antonio Carlos Wolkmer


Critical legal thinking is a theme with several sources of foundation, many of them inserted in the context of modern rationality or postmodern rationality.Thus, delimiting the question of the foundation of critical legal thinking, it should be noted that this is architected from the interdisciplinary relationship that characterizes it as critical; For this reason, philosophy and ethics play a fundamental role in consolidating these strands of thought. However, the varied ethical perspectives accompany a development centered on the historical reality in which they are constructed. Therefore, some ethics are forged in the design of modernity as universal, even starting from particular contexts, which become canons for verifying validity and are impinged as truths in all parts of the Western world. This can be exemplified in the centrality and potency of the individual and the selfish society fruit of the Euro-centric modernity. Thus, the central problem that occupies the present reflection is that the ethics underlying the project of modernity have found exhaustion and, along with this, there is the emergence of other critically destabilizing ethical perspectives that present themselves as alternatives.Thus, the ethics of Latin American liberation, elaborated by Enrique Dussel is one of these hypotheses that emerge as a possibility of criticism to modern thought, with the purpose of this text is to verify the potentialities of liberation ethics as legal criticism, specifically analyzing the Materials and categories that help in the reflection and consolidation of a founding ethical proposal. These objectives will be sought through a bibliographical and analytical research, which will privilege an interdisciplinary methodology. Therefore, the present study reveals from the crisis of modernity in its ethical perspective an alternative and critical foundation that contributes with materials to reflect a legal ethic of Latin American liberation.


Modernity; Rationality; Ethics of liberation; Ethics of otherness; Legal Criticism


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