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Author Guidelines

The REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE DIREITO, linked to the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program, publishes scientific works not published before, its periodicity is four-month and employs a theoretical and / or practical arrangement consistent with the lines of research of this program, exploring the following thematic possibilities:

1) Fundamental Rights, Constitutional Jurisdiction and Democracy;

2) Ethics, Citizenship and Sustainability;

3) Law and new technologies in the information society; and

4) Studies on Legal Thematics and Dogmatics in the 21st Century.

The reception and selective processing of the articles will be done by the double blind peer review method, which makes it possible to analyze articles without the author's identification, guaranteeing suitability in the selection process for both the author (s) and the evaluators. This method still requires evaluation of the article by two or more evaluators.

Focusing in excellence, the journal will only publish the articles with an opinion of approval or approval with repairs, whose average is greater than grade 9. In this way, an opinion for disapproval already disqualifies the work for this round of evaluation, being possible a new submission at the discretion of the author.

In accordance with the requirements of the area, the scientific articles submitted must have a maximum of three authors, at least one of them with a doctoral degree.

The publication of articles is subjected to the approval of reviewers and, if there are suggestions for alteration, to comply with the recommendations contained in the opinion. The originality of the treatment of the theme, the consistency and rigor of the approach, its contribution to the academy and the thematic line of the journal are taken into account. The names of the reviewers will remain confidential, omitting also the names of the authors before the reviewers.


Articles should:

a) be unpublished;

b) contain title (in Portuguese and English);

c) abstract (in Portuguese and English), with a maximum of 200 words;

d) keywords (in Portuguese and English);

e) introduction, development, final considerations and references;

f) have 12 to 20 pages in Word format;

g) Times New Roman 12 font type, line spacing 1,5, spacing between single paragraphs, with upper and left margins of 3cm, lower and right 2cm.

Scientific works involving human beings will only be received with indication of submission information and approval by a Research Ethics Board (CEP = Conselho de Ética em Pesquisa).

The journal receives scientific papers in Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish.

Articles written in a language other than Portuguese should contain title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English;

The texts can be sent through the page of the journal ( in plain text and without the use of sophisticated formatting resources. For sending and following the text, it is necessary to register in the area of access.

The articles must conform to the rules of the new Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement.

The citations will follow the standardization of the numerical system, being allowed the use of explanatory footnotes.

The titles of the divisions and subdivisions of the texts must be written in lowercase and bold and numbered progressively.

References are presented at the end of the paper, listed in alphabetical order and without numbering, according to ABNT. Examples:

Articles and periodicals:
SGARBI, Adrian. Textos normativos e alguns problemas de descrição de sentido. Revista Direito, Estado e Sociedade, Rio de Janeiro, n. 26, pp. 6-31, jan./jun. 2005.

Articles of publications relating to events:
SILVA, Otavio Pinto e. O princípio da norma mais favorável e a contratação coletiva. In: Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Coletivo e Individual do Trabalho, 15., 2000, São Paulo. Jornal do Congresso. São Paulo: LTr, 2000. p. 19-21.

MARTINS, Sergio Pinto. Direito processual do trabalho: doutrina e prática forense, modelos de petições, recursos, sentenças e outros. 20. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2003.

Book Chapters:
ROVER, Aires J. O direito intelectual e seus paradoxos. In: ADOLFO, Luiz Gonzaga Silva; WACHOWICZ (coor.). Direito da Propriedade Intelectual. Estudos em homenagem ao PE. Bruno Jorge Hammes, Curitiba: Juruá, 2006, p. 33-38. 

Theses and Dissertations:
SANTOS, Enoque Ribeiro dos Santos. A problemática da negociação coletiva de trabalho frente ao fenômeno da descoletivização. Tese - Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2003.

Newspaper articles:
COORREIO DO POVO, 2008. Title. Porto Alegre, Aug. 10, p. 6.

Quotes from websites:
SOUTO MAIOR, Jorge Luiz. Honorários advocatícios no processo do trabalho. Carta Maior, São Paulo. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 19 de maio 2004.

Translated foreign works:
CAPRA, Fritjof. A teia da vida: uma nova compreensão científica dos sistemas vivos. Tradução de Newton Roberval Eichemberg. 16. ed. São Paulo: Editora Cultrix, 2010.

The emphasis of the titles of the referenced works should be in italic, and it is recommended that the subtitles remain undefined according to ABNT guidelines.

The spontaneous sending of articles and subsequent acceptance for publication automatically implies the assignment of the copyrights to the Journal, both in print and in electronic form. Subsequent reproduction, by any means, may only be done through prior understanding between the Journal and the author and with proper citation from the source.

The concepts and opinions expressed in articles are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Only articles that are within the rules and comply with the recommendations will be analyzed, and no more than one submission to the same assessment cycle will be admitted. Therefore, it is only after the disclosure of the result of the previous submission that the author is allowed to submit another one.

Authors must fill out the complete registration of the journal indicating ORCID, their complete affiliation with institution, city, state and country. They still must enter a main email address for contact.

The results of the evaluations will be notified to the author via email.

The authors will not be required to provide any kind of fee for the processing of manuscripts and / or publications.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  2. The article is authored or co-authored by a person with a doctorate degree.
  3. URLs for referrals were reported when possible.
  4. The manuscript has a title in Portuguese AND in English; Abstract and Abstract in English; e Keywords.
  5. The text is in space 1,5; uses a 12-point font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.

  6. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.
  7. The submission file is in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format.

Copyright Notice

I declare the present article unpublished, as well as not be subject to any other submission process to another scientific journal.

I declare that I authorize the publication of the article by the magazine on the World Wide Web and the knowledge about non-remuneration by virtue of its publication, with no copyright of an equity nature.

Also, as author, I take civil and criminal responsibility for the content of the published work, after reading the guidelines for authors and agreeing with them.

The work can be accessed by any interested party and reproduced and / or published provided that proper reference is made according to the ABNT for the purpose of dissemination of scientific academic production.


Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.