Revista de Administração IMED

RAIMED's mission is to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge about administration and disciplines directly linked to this area of knowledge, thus providing current and relevant literature for application in both future research and organizational management. The journal has an editorial project and management by the SEER system (incorporates: search systems, international indexing in the Open Journal System (OJS), online submission system, free access to articles, preservation of information in metadata and double blind system Review).

RAIMED does not charge fees for submission, evaluation or publication.

In 2016, RAIMED becomes biannual due to the flow of articles and operating costs.

Vol 13, No 2 (2023): julho-dezembro

Table of Contents


Cristian Rogério Foguesatto, Raquel Breitenbach, Cláudio Júnior Oliveira Gomes
Marcos Fava Neves, Leticia Franco Martinez, Gabriel de Oliveira Teixeira, Beatriz Papa Casagrande, Flávio Ruhnke Valério
Moacir Francisco Deimling, Talison Tavares Masutti
Ana Luísa Borsatto, Cláudia Vanessa Argenta, Daniel Knebel Baggio, Argemiro Luís Brum, Viviane Rossato Laimer