Mother-Baby Interaction in the Prison Environment

Catia Bibiano dos Santos, Jéssica de Sezaro, João Rodrigo Maciel Portes, Carina Nunes Bossardi


The penitentiary is an atypical context for child development, so it is possible that interactions between the mother-baby dyad suffer interference from the characteristics of this environment. In order to identify and understand the interactions between incarcerated babies and mothers, this research relied on the use of observational methodology. After collecting sociodemographic data, interactions between mothers and babies were observed in the prison context for 20 minutes on three different days. Four mother-infant dyads were observed. The children were between zero and seven months old. The interactions were recorded in audio and video and analyzed based on a protocol of previously established categories, according to the literature. The mother’s behaviors, more often, were to look and rock, while those of the babies were to vocalize and become restless. Such results show a reciprocal sharing of attention and affection between the dyads. However, there is an absence of interaction behaviors essential for early childhood development, such as object stimulation. The need for guidance activities on ways to promote healthy development is indicated.


Mother-Child Interaction; Prisons; Maternal and Child Health


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Copyright (c) 2021 Catia Bibiano dos Santos, Jéssica de Sezaro, João Rodrigo Maciel Portes, Carina Nunes Bossardi

ISSN 2175-5027

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