Psychological Violence Experienced by Women in Intimate Relationships: A Scoping Review

Rosane Mantilla de Souza, Isabel Bernardes


Psychological violence towards women in the context of their intimate relationships sustains unhealthy relations, with low satisfaction, causing serious physical and mental illnesses, in addition to being able to escalate into threats to life. A scoping review was carried out in the libraries/databases SciELO – Brazil, Index-Psi de Periódicos Científicos, Medline - PubMed, LILACS and APA/PsycArticles, with the aim of identifying the characteristics of scientific publications on psychological violence(s) in relation to women, practiced by intimate partners from the year 2006 to 2023. Fifteen articles were selected, indicating diversity of methodology and target audience. The tendency towards invisibility and naturalization of psychological violence in relationships remains and, although it is considered as multi-determined, the field lacks production that considers the intersectionality of variables. There are suggestions that psychological violence appears as a single expression, co-occurring with physical violence or escalating. It was concluded that although there are laws in Brazil that allow the identification and criminalization of psychological violence, there is still a lack of research that understands the regional specificities, causes and complexity of effects on women who experience it in intimate relationships.


Psychological violence, intimate partner violence; scoping review


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ISSN 2175-5027

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