Blockchain-id: the construction of a digital identity based on blockchain technology to ensure the universalization of the right to identity

Cesar Beck, Murilo Manzoni Boff, Thami Covatti Piaia


The current research ponders digital identity as one of the mechanisms capable of supporting in the realization of fundamental rights, considering that it is a universal right, since only through identity do citizens have access to the most basic and elementary public services to life in society, such as housing, education, social security, work, health, etc. Accordingly, it is possible, through the fulfillment of these rights, to accomplish the embodiment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To do so, it explores how digital identity has been gaining strength in the context of Information and Communication Technologies and how the digitization of identity requires the use of secure technologies, given that in the Web 3.0 Era the subject is exposed to a vulnerability, regarding cyber-attacks and fraud. Hence, the use of Blockchain technology is defended to create a decentralized and shared identity, where subjects are included in the same system and less exposed to cyber-attacks. The methodology applied is a literature review, based on the available literature on the subject.


Digital Identity; Blockchain; The Right for Identity; Sustainable Development Goals


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