Participation of legislative houses, thematic commissions and power of modification by the legislative: a comparative analysis of the budgetary legislative process in Brazil, Germany, France and the United States

Melina Rocha, Dayson Bezerra de Almeida, Gustavo Fossati


This article analyzes elements of the budget process in a comparative way in four countries: Brazil, Germany, France and the United States. In the first part, a comparison will be made between the countries with regard to the participation of the Legislative Houses throughout the course of the budget process, with the objective of verifying differences or similarities regarding the centralization of the process; the criteria used in the analysis; and the role of the general rapporteurs in the course of the process. In the second part, the article will analyze, in a comparative perspective, the participation of thematic commissions in each of the countries object of the study. In the third part, an analysis will be made of the possibility, limits and actors legitimized to change the budget proposal in the Legislative.


Budget; Budget Process; Comparative Budget


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