Contemporary private economic power in face of the constitution of the Federal Reserve and debt monetization

Thiago Lopes Matsushita, Rodrigo de Camargo Cavalcanti


Through a critical and historical-exploratory methodology, with research in works, scientific articles, documents and legislations, both national and international, this paper analyzes the correlation between the foundations and evolution of the US banking system and the correlation between debt and monetization. From this perspective, the Federal Reserve is tasked with market interest rates, regulating inflation and as a safeguard in cases of large withdrawals by depositors. and other bank lenders. Following, the conclusion, after all, is that market concentration, coupled with the financialization of the economy and the electronic control of monetary transactions, has conditioned the financial system to oligopolized economic power, which operates almost oblivious to central bank policies - if not, it supports and guides the financial system operations to the benefit of the liquidity of its assets.


Financial system Federal Reserve; Currency Creation; Debt; Wealth Concentration


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