Journal History

The Journal's trajectory began in 2005 with two main objectives. The first objective was to 'serve as an instrument of publication and dissemination of the scientific and intellectual production of professors, academics and researchers linked to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Law'. The second objective, linked to its substantial proposal, seeks to 'concentrate efforts on the publication of works that contribute to the renewal of Brazilian legal dogmatics, overcoming the sealed isolation of the theoretical efforts of criticism and reflection on the foundations of Brazilian legal institutes'. In addition to these two objectives is the challenge of interdisciplinarity between the areas of knowledge, a constant goal in the trajectory of IMED actions.

Starting in 2013, the Revista Brasileira de Direito undergoes a reconfiguration, starting to be linked to the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program, carrying out scientific works that help in the theoretical and practical construction of the research proposals developed by the aforementioned program in the thematic lines of the journal.