Maternal Relationship in Building the Identity of Twins

Catiesca Pereira Dorneles, Vladia Zenker Schmidt


Although little discussed, the theme “maternal relationship in twin situation” is extremely important, so that, although born and grow together, the twins have speci c needs that in uence the construction of their identities. In this way, this article sought through a literature review, explain and discuss the topic based on theoretical references published in books, magazines and periodicals. For both, devised to conduct a literature review for convenience in BVS scienti c database with the following descriptors (twins AND maternal care AND bond AND psychoanalysis). e results highlighted that, maternal care in twins situations has a certain complexity, once, this mother will have to care her two babies individually, intending to assist the construction of the identity of these. Besides, it is emphasized that during the process of individuation the babies need to deal with anxieties that permeate their lives, that is, they have the challenge to develop their identity separated not only from her mother, but also from his own brother. 

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Direitos autorais 2016 Revista de Psicologia da IMED

ISSN 2175-5027

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