The psychologist in CRAS: characteristics and challenges of professional practice

Felipe Biasus, Maiara Franceschi


This is a field study and descriptive, whose aim was to analyze the characteristics and challenges of the role of the psychologist in the Reference Centres for Social Assistance (CRAS) in the municipalities of Amau-RS region. We sought to evaluate the profiles of professionals the features of the work of psychologists in CRAS, the challenges presented and the theoretical approaches to the work of these professionals. Attended by 16 psychologists who responded to an online questionnaire through Google Docs - a virtual computing platform, free, for creating, storing and questionnaires. Characterising data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Already textual data were subjected to content analysis following the model proposed by Bardin. The results indicate that the work follows the guidelines of the national social welfare policy, however highlight the need to define the role of psychologists in social welfare policy and the importance of continuing education. Research also shows that education of many of the participants did not provide the necessary support for a practice designed to support, leading professionals who perform their activities in CRAS seek training that enable the necessary basis. Among the challenges encountered highlights the difficulty of interpersonal relationships between psychologists and social workers, defining the roles of different professionals working in CRAS, which is seen by participants as an obstacle in the development of the activities of these professionals and other difficulties related to the lack commitment of members towards the service.


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