Characteristics of Teaching Teleworking in Basic Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Elenise Abreu Coelho, Lara Barros Martins, Aline Cardoso Siqueira, Naiana Dapieve Patias


Compulsory telework imposed to basic education teachers due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused changes in the organization of work. This study aimed to describe telework characteristics and their relationships with sociodemographic and functional aspects in a sample of teachers during the pandemic. The method is quantitative, transversal, and correlational. A total of 304 school teachers from the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) participated by answering an online form consisting of a sociodemographic-functional data questionnaire and the Work Design Questionnaire (WQD). Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis U tests were conducted to analyze the data. The results showed a negative perception of teachers regarding the characteristics of their work context. Elementary and high school teachers had higher scores, especially on task and knowledge characteristics, in comparison to those who work in early childhood education. Teachers who were only teleworking perceived greater autonomy, in terms of task characteristics, than those who were in the hybrid model.on. The study indicates necessary adjustments in work design to favor performance and well-being in teaching.


teaching; basic education; telework; Work Design; COVID-19 pandemic


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Copyright (c) 2024 Elenise Abreu Coelho, Lara Barros Martins, Aline Cardoso Siqueira, Naiana Dapieve Patias

ISSN 2175-5027

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