Loneliness and Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sara Luísa Verissimo, Raul Costa Mastrascusa, Ana Paula Rezzo Pires Reinert, Isabela Schmitz Klain, Luisa Sigaran Machado, Bibiana Veira Marques Motta, Marthina Bertolucci Maragon, Marcela Foletto Moura, Dalton Breno Costa, Nathalia Saraiva de Albuquerque, Carmen Moret-Tatay, Tatiana Quarti Irigaray


This quantitative cross-sectional study sought to evaluate the psychological impacts resulting from social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on depression, anxiety and perceived stress and levels of loneliness in adults. Furthermore, it sought to verify the existence of correlations between loneliness, sociodemographic characteristics and symptoms of depression, anxiety and perceived stress, as well as identify variables that predict loneliness. With a sample of 3.106 participants, recruited through social networks, responding online about the symptoms, from different regions of Brazil and between 18 and 76 years old (M= 33,15; SD = 12,15), the study revealed that 459 (14,76%) of respondents experienced moderate to severe loneliness during the pandemic. Furthermore, 680 (20,19%) presented severe to extremely severe symptoms of depression, 370 (11,89%) of anxiety and 516 (16,58%) of stress. Individuals who presented symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and lower levels of life satisfaction were more likely to experience loneliness. Symptoms of depression were shown to be the strongest predictor for symptoms of loneliness and lower levels of life satisfaction contributed significantly to this symptom. It was concluded that the limitations imposed by the pandemic due to social isolation intensified loneliness and mental disorders.


Loneliness; COVID-19; depression; anxiety and stress


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2175-5027.2023.v15i2.4939


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Copyright (c) 2024 Sara Luísa Verissimo, Raul Costa Mastrascusa, Ana Paula Rezzo Pires Reinert, Isabela Schmitz Klain, Luisa Sigaran Machado, Bibiana Veira Marques Motta, Marthina Bertolucci Maragon, Marcela Foletto Moura, Dalton Breno Costa, Nathalia Saraiva de Albuquerque, Carmen Moret-Tatay, Tatiana Quarti Irigaray

ISSN 2175-5027

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