Experiences of the Families in Late Adoption

Ariele Faverzani da Luz, Denise Gelain, Luana Martini Amaral


Adoption is a topic that involves many prejudices and expectations. The late adoption includes the same placement. It is known that adopting a child and/or adolescent denotes intense feelings, expectations about the future and resignation of the early years of the development of the son to the late adopters’ couples.  The overall objective was to identify the feelings of the families’ adopters and explore their perceptions and experiences about the late adoption process. The specific objectives were to identify the main experiences in this process; meet the psychological and legal aspects; and observe the main feelings and expectations of families enabled the late adoption. In this sense, the survey sought to investigate how it was experienced the late adoption by five families in the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul. Furthermore, was developed as an exploratory qualitative oriented study. Thus, semi-structured interviews were carried out, recorded and transcribed for after exploitation by the method of Bardin’s Analysis Content. The survey results showed that the late adoption is, at the same time, a good and challenging experience, while a process that naturally involves difficulties and facilities, which are related to life experiences of each couple with the child adopted.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2175-5027/psico-imed.v6n1p52-57


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