Attachment in a Comparative study With Mothers of Children With ADHD

Lao Tse Maria Bertoldo, Fernanda Barcellos Serralta


The early relationship between caregiver and child allows the establishment of a secure or insecure bond. In the child, a good reflective function and mentalization to understand their own mental states and the child, by adopting sustainable education allows the caregiver to develop the child.The objective was to verify differences in bond and reflective function in mothers of children with ADHD (n=30) compared to a group of mothers of children without ADHD (n=30). There was a statistically significant difference between the groups. Mothers from the clinal group showed less reflective function compared to mothers from the non-clinical, control group. Mothers of children with ADHD have impaired reflective function, evidenced by higher levels of uncertainty about mental states, when compared to mothers of non-clinical children. These findings are in line with international studies and are indicative of the usefulness of developing programs to expand the reflexive/ mentalization capacity of mothers and primary caregivers of children with this clinical condition.


Reflective function; mentalization; bonding; mothers; ADHD


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