Mental Health and Quality of Life Indicators of Medical Residents

Elizabeth Masotti, Cássia Ferrazza Alves, Joice Cadore Sonego


Medical residency can be associated with high stress factors, being able to influence the quality of life and mental health of these professionals. This study aimed to analyze quality of life and mental health indicators of medical residents through a quantitative survey with online data collection. The snowball method was used for the recruitment of participants. A total of 141 medical residents from differents regions of Brazil participated, who answered a questionnaire with sociodemographic data, the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale - DASS-21 and The World Health Organization Quality of Life - WHOQOL-bref. The participants had moderate symptoms of stress and depression, but minimal of anxiety. Between the WHOQOL-bref and DASS-21, stress had a moderate negative correlation with the physical, psychological and social domains, showing that residents with lower levels of stress have greater emotional, physical and social balance. Depression showed a strong negative correlation with the physical and psychological domain, indicating that the fewer symptoms of depression the better physical and psychological well-being. The results can serve to propitiate reflections and future interventions in face of the problem.


quality of life; mental health; anxiety; depression; medical residency


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ISSN 2175-5027

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