Personality and Anxiety in Situations of Lies: An Exploratory Study

Silvio José Lemos Vasconcellos, Andressa Rocha Da Cas, Amanda Mayer da Rocha, Clarissa Dias Mazarro, Anniara Lucia Dornelles de Lima, Juliana Kuster de Lima Maliska, Marcela Vitale da Silva Alves


A lie is a statment that is intended to decive other individuals. Some lies may not have antisocial characteristics, but can generate anxiety as well as antisocial lies. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between anxiety in lying situations measured by a self-report instrument and personality traits by the five-factor model of personality. The sample consisted of 78 undergraduates, 28 men and 50 women, from 18 to 26 years. The neuroticism factor presented a meaningful and positive correlation with anxiety in lying situations related to lying in personal relationships. Agreeableness presented a meaningful and positive correlation with anxiety in different lying situations. The proposed study contributes to the improvement of assessments carried out in the context of forensic Psychology . It also provides advances in research related to the so-called Psychology of Testimony and Psychometry.


lie; personality; anxiety


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Copyright (c) 2022 Silvio José Lemos Vasconcellos, Andressa Rocha Da Cas, Amanda Mayer da Rocha, Clarissa Dias Mazarro, Anniara Lucia Dornelles de Lima, Juliana Kuster de Lima Maliska, Marcela Vitale da Silva Alves

ISSN 2175-5027

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