Association Study Between Psychopathological Symptoms and risk Factors in School Children

Marina Heinen, Margareth da Silva Oliveira, Paula Madeira Fortes


The association between symptoms of mental disorders and risk factors such as emotional dysregulation and behavioral problems can lead to worsening clinical conditions in childhood. This quantitative and cross-sectional study aimed to analyze the association of psychopathological symptoms and risk factors in 39 school children. Children Depression Inventory, Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, Social Skills Rating System and Emotional Regulation Checklist were instruments used for the evaluation. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences program version 24.0. An association was found between the symptoms of emotional lability, emotional regulation, social skills and behavioral problems. Anxiety symptoms was associated only with symptoms of depression and the latter associated with behavioral problems. There was a difference between gender only in the variable anxiety problems. These findings contribute to the literature and deepen the discuss about risk and protective factors for the progression of psychopathologies in childhood.


symptom assessments; child; risk factors; psychopathology


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ISSN 2175-5027

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