Suicide in Undergraduate Students: Occurrence and Associated Psychological and Social Factors

Giulia Oliveira Falcão Lima, Luana Cristina Silva Santos, André Faro


The purpose of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of suicidal ideation in a sample of undergraduate students, as well as its association with mental suffering and sociodemographic characteristics. In February 2020, 223 students from Federal University of Sergipe belonging to all areas of knowledge responded to a questionnaire in person, with approximately the same gender ratio. Were applied a questionnaire about socio-demographic characteristics, the Questionnaire of Impulsiveness, Self-harm and Suicidal Ideation for Adolescents (QIAIS-A), and the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). It was found that 52,9% of the students reported having considerable mental suffering and 32,3% had suicidal ideation. A logistic regression indicated that mental suffering was the only significant predictor for suicidal ideation. Thus, individuals that reported considerable mental suffering had almost nine times more chances to show suicidal ideation. Considering our findings, it was concluded that mental health care is an urgency for undergraduate students and intervention measures need to be adopted by institutions as soon as possible.


psychological distress; student health; suicidal ideation; suicide


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