Quality of Life of People with Vitiligo: A Brazilian Exploratory Study

Emerson Araújo Do Bú, Maria Edna Silva Alexandre, Vitória Medeiros Santos


Vitiligo is a dermatological disease characterized by the presence of hypopigmented macules on the skin. Considering that its effects are not limited to the biological dimension of the subject, it is assumed negative impacts on the quality of life of their bearers. Yet, little attention has been giving to this phenomenon in Brazilian studies. This research sought to overcome this gap by verifying the relationship between sociodemographic variables of people with Vitiligo, as well as their perceptions of discrimination and severity of the disease in their qualities of life. It is a quantitative study with a descriptive and exploratory nature, in which 200 Brazilians with Vitiligo participated, most of them female (73%), with white skin colour (50.5%) and predominantly residents of Southeast Brazil (31.02%). For data collection, a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Vitiligo-specific health-related quality of life instrument (VitiQoL) scale were used. Results revealed that female participants, with black skin colour, low income and white patches in areas of easy social perception showed worse rates of quality of life. The findings are discussed with pertinent literature, and it is expected that they contribute to the development of public policies aiming to improve the quality of life of Brazilians with Vitiligo.


Quality of Life; Prejudice; Vitiligo

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18256/2175-5027.2021.v13i1.4236


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Copyright (c) 2021 Emerson Araújo Do Bú, Maria Edna Silva Alexandre, Vitória Medeiros Santos

ISSN 2175-5027

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