Impulsivity in Adolescents in Vulnerability to Psychoactive Substances: A Neuropsychological Assessment Proposal

Maíra Biajoni, Emmy Uehara


In adolescence, the reduced capacity for critical judgment and impulse control have been associated with delayed maturation of the prefrontal cortex (CPF). Among other structures, the CPF is identified as the region of the human brain to develop later. In addition, he is responsible for the development of cognitive skills that allow the subject to achieve goals in a more satisfactory way. Because of the immaturity of this system, maladjusted or inappropriate behaviors, such as vulnerability to substance use, can occur more frequently in adolescence. Therefore, the objective of this study is develop a research protocol in neuropsychological assessment aimed at Brazilian adolescents, which helps to identify young people prone to substances use. When this behavior is already established, it may be possible to assess whether it is related to the difficulty in controlling impulses, and if so, to lead to more focal stimulations. It is suggested that future studies focus on the construction and validation of new national instruments aimed at this demand, so that more complete protocols can provide support for the definition of behaviors that are targets for intervention.


adolescent; impulsive behavior; underage alcohol consumption; illicit drugs; neuropsychology


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