Shame and Humiliation Related to Stigmatization of Poverty: A Qualitative Study

James Ferreira Moura Jr, Jorge Castellá Sarriera


This article aims to analyze shame and humiliation as consequences of stigmatization of poverty in residents of a capital city in the South and Northeast of Brazil. This qualitative study carried out ten Episodic Interviews with people in poverty situations in the two mentioned cities who experienced a feeling of shame because of their financial condition. These individuals participated in a previous quantitative study in their communities. Content analysis was performed. It is identified that the practices of humiliation are caused by unequal treatment. Shame may be linked to exposure and moral ethics as a constituent of human development. However, it may also bind to a derogatory judgment related to the stigmatization of poverty. It was observed that humiliation practices can trigger feelings of shame. As consequences, the individuals interviewed can isolate themselves, such as adapting to these situations of shame and humiliation. Likewise, it was noticed that the sense of shame itself can be a factor of indignation that provides the possibility to resist and be indignant.


Poverty; shame; humiliation; prejudice


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ISSN 2175-5027

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