LGBTQIA+ Youtube Ciberativism: Guidelines, Strategies and Motivations for Action

Marília Maia Lincoln Barreira, Luciana Maria Maia


This article discusses LGBTQIA + cyberactivism from videos on YouTube channels. Studies in the field of social psychology have prioritized research in the virtual environment that has texts as the object of analysis. Considering the scope of the communicational dimension, it is argued that the video analysis covers fundamental aspects in investigations on cyberactivism. Therefore, a study was developed with the objective of characterizing cyberactivism in LGBTQIA + channels on Brazilian Youtube, based on the analysis of videos from these channels, with regard to their guidelines, forms, motivation and intended changes. The study was developed in two stages: (1) survey of LGBTQIA + activism channels on Youtube and (2) documentary analysis of videos from these channels. 281 people participated in the first stage who recognized themselves as followers of LGBTQIA + activism channels, and who identified, from a list, the channels they considered most relevant with regard to LGBTQIA + cyberactivism. From this survey, following the content and the number of views, four videos were defined to be analyzed. The results indicate that the videos centrally address the issue of prejudice, whether presenting this phenomenon in specific situations, or discussing its repercussions and ways of resistance.


political activism; internet; sexual and gender minorities


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ISSN 2175-5027

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